“Guardians of the Earth” Exhibit by Ann H. Wilson

April 26, 2024

If you’ve taken a walk in the Garden recently, you’ve probably come across these beautifully enchanting paintings on some of the trees. They’re part of Guardians of the Earth, an outdoor exhibition by artist Ann H. Wilson. Click here to download a map of all 27 painting locations within the Garden.

As an artist with over 30 years of exhibitions in the Philadelphia region, Ann has recently become interested in exhibiting outdoors as her current work is focused on an increased attention to the natural world and its preservation. The series of paintings exhibited at Bartram’s Garden include many local insects, an often overlooked but vital part in the balance of nature.

Ann writes, “The magic of fireflies and the summer music of cicadas and katydids are part of the series. All of the pieces attempt to move beneath consciousness into our core of being that moves deeply back towards our creation. There is reverence, joy, fear, and awe. There is an urgent and impossible pull to grasp the interconnectedness of all life. With this, my most recent work has moved to touch other beings we share the earth with.”

Guardians of the Earth will live in the Garden through October, but if you’d like to bring one of these pieces home with you, the originals are available for purchase! Reach out to Ann at www.annhwilson.com.

I'm interested in:

Biking & Walking


Boating & Fishing

Flowers, Plants & Trees



Kids' Activities

Sankofa Community Farm

Southwest Philadelphia

Water Quality

Workshops, Wellness & Culture

Youth Internships

I'm interested in:

Biking & Walking

Stroll the Schuylkill River Trail or join us for biking!


Look up! More than 100 species of birds rely on this ecosystem.

Boating & Fishing

Enjoy all that the Tidal Schuylkill River has to offer.

Flowers, Plants & Trees

See what’s blooming, find a favorite tree, and stroll the gardens and natural lands.


Bring the Garden home! Shop for plants or grow food, trees, and more.


Uncover the interconnected stories of this historic site.

Kids' Activities

Join us year-round to learn, make, share, and wonder.

Sankofa Community Farm

“Go back and get it!” Growing food sovereignty with an African Diaspora focus.

Southwest Philadelphia

Resources and opportunities especially for neighbors in Southwest Philly.

Water Quality

View our latest data on current river conditions.

Workshops, Wellness & Culture

Enjoy upcoming workshops, self-care, and events. Are you a Southwest artist? Let’s partner!

Youth Internships

Calling Southwest students: paid internships available with the river, the farm, and the trees.