Our Plans and Partners

Amplifying a shared vision to ensure the Garden’s future.
At a time of transformational external investment in Southwest Philadelphia and along the Tidal Schuylkill riverfront, we’re partnering with local and regional leaders to establish community-driven, world-class opportunities for learning, creating, and sharing at Bartram’s Garden.
We know major change is coming to our neighborhood: new developments are bringing more than $500 million in external investment to this area, and climate change exerts a disproportionate impact on our community’s health and safety.
Our campus masterplan, approved by the Board in 2020, ensures that this backyard riverfront stays welcoming for everyone, especially neighbors who call Southwest Philadelphia home.
Upcoming Masterplan Projects

State-of-the-art floating classroom and art space with Mural Arts Philadelphia.

Ecosystems Education Center & Freshwater Mussel Hatchery
Hands-on education alongside watershed restoration with Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

Field Station & Welcome Center
A riverfront home for climate resilience and workforce development, as well as new trail amenities and a publicly accessible archive.
Naming & Sponsorship Opportunities
Fundraising is ongoing to ensure these projects’ successful completion and sustainable programming inviting, free community assets. We look forward to discussing ways to showcase your sponsorship through naming opportunities and other benefits.
To learn more, contact Director of Development & Communications Caroline Winschel at cwinschel@bartramsgarden.org or 215 729 5281 x104.
Neighborhood Development
Major initiatives along the Garden’s borders and in our wider Southwest Philadelphia neighborhood.

Nature-focused pre-K led by Woodland Academy/Greater Philadelphia Health Action.

Schuylkill Crossing Swing Bridge
Led by SRDC, a pedestrian- and bike-only connection to the Bartram’s Mile Trail.

Blossom at Bartram
The Philadelphia Housing Authority’s plan for redeveloping Bartram Village, immediately adjacent to Bartram’s Garden.

Concrete Cowboys Stable
With Parks & Recreation, a new stable for the Southwest Concrete Cowboys on the North Mile.

Trolley Modernization
SEPTA’s plans to update public transportation, including the nearby #36 trolley line.

Lower Schuylkill Biotech Campus
PIDC’s development of new bioproduction facilities immediately north and south of the Garden.