Due to the unfolding situation regarding COVID-19, this program will no longer take place as scheduled, but may be rescheduled. Future programming will be assessed on a rolling basis. Please follow our Facebook page for more updates and information. See our full statement here.
Anyone who has made a wish before blowing out birthday candles has practiced candle magic. Learn how to perform rituals, spells, and divinations to gain luck, love, prosperity, protection, healing, and happiness. Also included are tips for which kinds of candles to use, candle maintenance and preparation, best times for magic, and how to make your own candles. Included will be discussion on wearing and using crystals. If you’re just beginning to use crystals, a great way to harness their healing power is by using healing stones for manifesting your intentions and what you want to create in your life.
FREE; registration required
Curated by Sappho Fulton, Indigenous Practitioners Teaching an Intro to Ifá is a series of three workshops that will take place at Bartram’s Garden in Spring 2020. You can read more here about Sappho and her work with Sappho and Laroyce Foundation, which works to “sustain visibility and holistic healing for LBTQ and Womyn of Color and achieve sustainable social, racial, economic and political justice through meaningful community engagement.”
This event will take place in a space that is accessible via wheelchair. ADA accessible bathrooms will be available nearby, as well. We’re happy to make accommodations for guests with mobility limitations. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out ahead of the event.