Board Skills & Demographics Survey

Thank you for your service on the Board.

Please fill out this two-part survey to help the Nominating & Governance Committee better understand

  • what skills and capacities are already present on our Board and
  • how our Board represents our audiences.

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Francesca Fiamingo or Rob Pugliese, Co-Chairs of the Nominating and Governance Committee.

Bartram's Garden Board Skills & Demographics Survey

For tracking purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential.

Board Skills & Engagement

Our Board members bring a range of skills, professional backgrounds, and talents to this organization. The Nominating & Governance Committee periodically assesses the current skill makeup of the Board to identify gaps requiring targeted recruitment and to ensure that all Board members are able to serve in fulfilling, mission-specific ways.
How would you describe your preferred role(s) at Bartram's Garden?(Required)
Check all that apply.
How would you describe your impression of your current Board workload?(Required)

Skills Matrix

Please indicate if you possess any of the following skills to the extent that you would feel comfortable using them as part of your Board service. You are the best judge of whether that means skills in which you have professional experience, formal training or certification, or personal experience.
Horticulture & Agriculture
Health & Wellness
Education & Interpretation
Science & Technology
Hospitality, Facilities & Site Management
Finance, Law & Business
Arts & Culture
Communications & Outreach

Board Demographics

Our funders increasingly request demographic data on our Board. These statistics will be relayed only in aggregate; we will never share personal demographic details about a specific individual. We have also selected only those demographic questions that feel germane to our mission. If you prefer not to answer any question, please indicate "prefer not to say." If you have comments about any of the data being requested here, please include those in the comment box below or reach out to the Nominating & Governance Committee.
Do you identify as Latinx or Hispanic?(Required)
Do you identify as either of the following?(Required)
What is your gender?(Required)
We're not jealous, but it's great to know of potential connections.
Not counting meetings, how often do you come to Bartram's Garden in a typical year?(Required)
Please do not include Board or committee meetings in your count--this is about visits for fun!

I'm interested in:

Biking & Walking


Boating & Fishing

Flowers, Plants & Trees



Kids' Activities

Sankofa Community Farm

Southwest Philadelphia

Water Quality

Workshops, Wellness & Culture

Youth Internships

I'm interested in:

Biking & Walking


Look up! More than 100 species of birds rely on this ecosystem.

Boating & Fishing

Enjoy all that the Tidal Schuylkill River has to offer.

Flowers, Plants & Trees

See what’s blooming, find a favorite tree, and stroll the gardens and natural lands.


Bring the Garden home! Shop for plants or grow food, trees, and more.


Uncover the interconnected stories of this historic site.

Kids' Activities

Join us year-round to learn, make, share, and wonder.

Sankofa Community Farm

“Go back and get it!” Growing food sovereignty with an African Diaspora focus.

Southwest Philadelphia

Resources and opportunities especially for neighbors in Southwest Philly.

Water Quality

View our latest data on current river conditions.

Workshops, Wellness & Culture

Enjoy upcoming workshops, self-care, and events. Are you a Southwest artist? Let’s partner!

Youth Internships

Calling Southwest students: paid internships available with the river, the farm, and the trees.